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Уводно предавање проф. др Оливера Ричмонда на Регионалном мастер програму студија мира

Позивамо Вас на уводно предавање Регионалног мастер програма студија мира за 2017/18. академску годину, које ће одржати професор Универзитета у Манчестеру Оливер Ричмонд на тему ..Мир у 21. веку: од државоцентричног до човекоцентричног приступа” (Peace in the 21st Century: From State-Centric to People-Centric Approach).
Предавање ће се одржати у среду, 11. октобра у 17:00 часова (слушаоница 3).
We invite those interested to the opening of the academic 2017/18 at the Regional Master’s Program in Peace Studies. Inauguration lecture entitled Peace in the 21st Century: From State-Centric to People-Centric Approach will be held by professor Oliver Richmond, University of Manchester.

Oliver Richmond is Professor of International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies in the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute and the School of Social Sciences at the University of Manchester. He received his PhD from the University of Kent. Oliver previously worked at the University of St Andrews, where he was Director of Postgraduate Studies in the School of International Relations (2004-8) and he also founded and directed the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (2005-12). He has been a Visiting Professor at universities around the world, including the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) in Rio de Janeiro, Australian National University, the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. He is currently an International Professor at the College of International Studies, Kyung Hee University, Korea, and a Visiting Professor at the Centre for Peace Studies at the University of Tromso, Norway.

More information about Oliver Richmond is available here
Lecture will be held on Wednesday, 11 October at 17.00 (Classroom no.3)

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