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Конкурс Дипломатске академије Руске Федерације при Министарству спољних послова и Фондације за јавну дипломатију „Александар Горчаков”

Поштоване колегинице и колеге,

Преносимо вам конкурс Дипломатске академије Руске Федерације при Министарству спољних послова и Фондације за јавну дипломатију „Александар Горчаков” за студенте виших година основних академских студија и студенте мастер академских студија за истраживачки рад “The world that was created. The post-Yalta system of international relations under modern challenges and threats”.


The Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund and the Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia have announced a contest of research and analytical papers on “The world that was created. The post-Yalta system of international relations under modern challenges and threats”.

Today, at the time of big changes, a new perspective of the problems facing the world is required. The goal of the contest is to provide an opportunity to make a statement for young scientists interested in professional development as experts in that field.

A team of winners will be formed based on results of the contest and the members of the team will present their essays during a workshop, which will be attended by top international security experts.

Essay content:

Essays may include analysis of one of the problems of international security as well as ideas and initiatives targeting strengthening of the pan-European dialogue in the field of security. Each essay should specify importance of the analyzed issue to Russia.


1.      Status and prospects of the post-Yalta world order;

2.     International law and security; influence of the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris and the Declaration of Astana on the architecture of European security (prospects and obstacles during their implementation);

3.      Promotion of the concept of “order based on rules” and its consequences for the international security;

4.      Is stable peace without strategic stability treaties a possibility?;

5.      History review and falsification as a tool of changing the existing world order;

6.      NATO and the post-Yalta world order;

7.      New threats in the Euro-Atlantic space and ways to neutralize them;

8.      Block solidarity of NATO as a source of legitimacy; international and legal aspects.

Who can participate?

Young researchers (senior Bachelor’s students and Master’s students), journalists, diplomats, representatives of any profession (not older than 35) interested in developing professionally and discussing their ideas in regards to the European security.

Paper requirements:

  • essays should correspond to the theme of the contest,
  • original version, not published earlier;
  • scientific style;
  • analytical approach;
  • bibliography (footnotes and references) should be included; when quoting materials from the Internet – name of the material, date of its publication, website address and date of the last update should be provided.

Working languages of the contest: Russian/English.

Formal requirements: language of the essay – Russian, English. Size of the essay – 3-7 pages, font – Times New Roman, shrift – 12, line spacing – 1,5 without spaces between paragraphs and “first lines” (indented lines); text alignment – justified; last name, initials of the author and the title centered in semi-bold, page-by-page references and bibliography.

The essays submitted to the contest will be evaluated by the expert committee.

Based on results of the contest:

  • Participation in the workshop in Moscow. 20 winners will be selected and invited to attend the workshop “The world that was created. The post-Yalta system of international relations under modern challenges and threats”;
  • Lectures and consultations by top Russian experts in the area of Euro-Atlantic security and transnational challenges to security. Every participant will have an opportunity to consult with experts on the topic of his/her essay.

Cost of participation in the workshop (travel, accommodation, meals during the event), lectures and consultations will be at the expense of the Gorchakov Fund.

Deadline for applications (submission of essays) – by March 20, 2020.

The contest results will be announced by April 10, 2020.

The workshop, lectures and consultations will take place in Moscow on May 17-21, 2020.

If participants do not meet the formal requirements, the Organizing Committee may reject their applications. If applications comply with the requirements, the applicants will be notified within a week about approval of the application.

In order to participate in the contest, applicants should forward their essays and to worldsecurity2020@mail.ru and mention “International Security” in the subject of the message and fill out the electronic form.

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