
Предавање професора Вела Петаиа (Vello Pettai)

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Позивамо Вас на предавање професора Вела Петаиа (Vello Pettai) под називом “Mapping Varieties of Democracy and Autocracy in the Postcommunist Space”. Предавање ће се одржати на Факултету политичких наука, у професорској слушаоници на 5. спрату, у среду, 6. децембра, у 14.00.

Vello Pettai is Director of the European Centre for Minority Issues in Flensburg, Germany since March 2020. Prior to that he was Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Tartu in Estonia, where he worked for over 20 years on post-communist democratization and ethnopolitics. He was Regional Manager for the Baltic States within the Varieties of Democracy network from 2014 to 2020. He is originally from the United States, having earned his doctoral degree from Columbia University in New York. From 2006 to 2012, he also served on the Executive Committee of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). For ten years he was equally a member of the High Council of the European University Institute in Florence.

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