

CfA: International Summer School of Latin American Studies (EVELA)


– Project organized by Association of Hispanists of Serbia (founded in 2007) – 

The International Summer School of Latin American Studies (EVELA) is a multidisciplinary school in the Balkans which in the course of five days offers theoretical and practical knowledge about Latin American and Caribbean Studies. It unites students, researchers and experts from Serbia and abroad in order to exchange experiences and undertake joint projects through presentations, round tables, workshops and cultural activities. 

It is our great pleasure to inform you that the Eight Edition of The International Summer School of Latin American Studies will be held in Belgrade and Novi Sad from 8th to 12th July.  

This year the program will be in-person and it will be part of the pre-ICA 2025 activities (https://ica2025.uns.ac.rs/).   

The lecturers come from Chile, Brazil, Spain, Italy and Serbia and they will present topics related with Latin America and the Caribbean, therefore it is expected that you can follow the lectures in both Spanish and English. 

If you would like to participate, we enclose the application form:

The deadline for sending applications is 20th June, and all applicants will be informed about the outcome.  


Should you have any questions or doubts, do not hesitate to write us to: letnjaskola@drustvohispanista.rs 


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